Sunday, June 19, 2011

Scarves and their Oya edgings

This is a collection of Oya scarves that I have made, and that my mother in law has made.  I will update these regularly with pictures of my various other projects. Enjoy!!

My pride and joy, my first oya scarf:  this is a silk scarf I bought, and I couldn't start it until my shipment of nylon thread came from turkey.  It is made with green and orange thread, and green turkish glass beads.  It took me about 3 weeks to finish it, even though i believe it would have taken less time if I didn't have so much to do outside my craft time.  My inspiration came from one of my mother in laws scarves that I have in a box in the spare room.
This is my mother in laws work of which i took inspiration for my 1st oya scarf. 
This is my mother in laws work also, of which I cant seem to figure out how she put it all together, I'm sure one day she'll teach me!
This is a tulip, done with a light mauve colour, this piece is incomplete and as with any incomplete piece I will post pictures of them when they are completed.
I decided to do this oya on this particular scarf as it was very plain and only two colours (blue and white) so I didnt have much to work with.  This scarf is also incomplete and I will post the complete version when I've got around to finishing it.
Firkete or "Hairpin" oya.  this oya is called "broom" and its actually quite simple once you get the overall hang of it.  Its made with Pink and Purple thread and since i didnt have a spare hairpin, i just used a coat hanger! lol
My first 3d oya scarf.  I decided to go with the theme of the scarf which was flowers so I made a 4 petal flower with brown edging to match the scarf.  This piece is also incomplete.
Mix crochet/sequins scarves
Mix crochet/sequins

Igne oyasi with beads
Igne Oyasi :)

The full scarf.


  1. Absolutely devine & lovely! Thank you for sharing!

  2. Thankyou! It makes me so happy to read comments like this!

  3. Beautiful work. I am always looking for something differant to try.
