It's really time consuming and I guess I'm going to price this one between 50 and 60 AUD, which I think is fair. The most time consuming thing is having to make 4 petals and then making the stamens aswel, I hate stamens lol. Usually I'll finish one side with the 1st row and then complete the flowers on it, that way I don't get bored doing the same thing over and over again. Anyway 3 sides to go! Wish me luck!!
Monday, November 28, 2011
The first side of the new OYA scarf
2:39 AM 0 Comments igne, igne oyalar ornekleri, igne oyasi, knotted lace, melbourne craft, oya edging, oya flowers, oya lace, turkish hand craft, turkish oya, types of oya
So I quickly finished the 1st side, starched it, and then took photos to put up for my lovely fellow readers to see. You can see what I meant before about the scarf being lovely, and for some reason I don't think a flat 2d type oya would have gone as well as a 3d oya would with this one. I didn't use Altin Basak for this one as my new nylon threads came a couple of days ago they're called "Ozen is" -said 'ozen ish' and its great, really like it, excellent pull and doesn't twirl. This oya is called hanimeli, however there are 2 versions of this oya. One does actually look like a ladies hand (hanim= woman, eli= hand) however this one is the actual flower version which I believe is called a honey suckle. The intermitant motif is often called maydonoz or cimen, which is parsley or grass, so I'm gathering in this instance its grass lol.

It's really time consuming and I guess I'm going to price this one between 50 and 60 AUD, which I think is fair. The most time consuming thing is having to make 4 petals and then making the stamens aswel, I hate stamens lol. Usually I'll finish one side with the 1st row and then complete the flowers on it, that way I don't get bored doing the same thing over and over again. Anyway 3 sides to go! Wish me luck!!
It's really time consuming and I guess I'm going to price this one between 50 and 60 AUD, which I think is fair. The most time consuming thing is having to make 4 petals and then making the stamens aswel, I hate stamens lol. Usually I'll finish one side with the 1st row and then complete the flowers on it, that way I don't get bored doing the same thing over and over again. Anyway 3 sides to go! Wish me luck!!
Sunday, November 27, 2011
This weeks antics..
9:34 PM 0 Comments crochet, igne oyasi, oya lace, oya scarf edging, oya towel edging
So this weeks been full on! On thursday I went to spotlight to get some beads for some more bracelets for my upcoming stall (hopefully!) And theres this lovely Turkish woman who works in spotlight who I promised last time I went in there that I'd give her some oya samples, and when I went in, she was talking to this old Turkish lady who apparently is a regular who had a really ugly oya scarf on- like, it wasnt ugly, it was more undetailed and just quickly done, it was "kelebek oyasi" which is a crochet butterfly edging with love knots in between each motif with pink blue and yellow mixed thread on a plain white scarf. So I went up to the lady that works there and I said "oh I promised you these last time, here you go" and I proceeded to walk off and go to the bead section in Spotlight. Not even 3 seconds later she came running calling my name because the lady wanted my number to buy some items off me. How cool is that!? So I gave her my number and I'm waiting for her call! So when I got home I started on some Igne oyasi straight away, since I had none in my stash since I gave away the last 3 I had as presents. I have about 9 or 10 crochet oya scarves and this woman specifically wanted Igne oyasi so I started immediately. I have this lovely scarf with pink purple yellow and green colours and shiny stuck on sequins, so normally what I'll do is assess the scarf and determine what Oya to put on it, and what colours to use. I decided on the "Hanimeli" Oya which differs from town to town in Turkey. Even though this Oya is made for girls getting married, not alot of Turkish people these days know all the meanings for all the Oya, so if it looks pretty, they'll wear it. I've 1/4 to half finished it so when I do the 1st edge I'll put up a photo.
Heres another edging of a scarf that I whipped up. I call it 7's because the motif looks like 7s! Duhh lol, Pretty, right?
This towel edging I finished in 2 days. Its made out of plastic rings (called Halka in Turkish) with a filet edging with some ribbon wrapped through it. Its such a drainer to make but it looks pretty :)
So that was part of my week. Tomorrow I have a placement interview at an Aged Care facility so I hope I get it! Wish me luck!!
Cheers x.
Heres another edging of a scarf that I whipped up. I call it 7's because the motif looks like 7s! Duhh lol, Pretty, right?
This towel edging I finished in 2 days. Its made out of plastic rings (called Halka in Turkish) with a filet edging with some ribbon wrapped through it. Its such a drainer to make but it looks pretty :)
Cheers x.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Turkish Stitch Bracelets
So last night my partner reminded me that we would be hopefully opening a market stall next year and suggested I start making things that everyone would like (not just scarves because obviously not everyones muslim to wear one) So I thought I'd whip up some trial bracelets before my partners mother sends us more supplies (beads, threads, whatnot) This isn't exactly a stitch, its more a sequence of stitches that create what is actually a form of oya edging (called yilan omurgasi or snake spine.) The edging part would be made by making a stitch in between the beads and then chaining and repeating for the length of the oya, however if you use bigger beads and thicker thread you can make them into bracelets. I think Adele has a tutorial on this stitch on her website or blog, I think its, or alternatively you can find her on ravelry under the same nickname.
Oya Flowers...
5:18 PM 7 Comments knotted lace, nylon thread, oya flowers, oya lace, turkish flowers
So last night I decided to make an oya flower since I hadn't made one for so long. The only bad thing is that because I only have a smaller size nylon thread, it took a long time to work up the outer pink tube. But anyway I dont think I'll have a use for it, I might embroider stem stitches and then lead them to the flower? I dont know. I dont even know if theres even a flower that looks like this i kind of just made it up lol.
These are some flat oyas I made last night aswel just out of boredom. I'll probably add to it and make an example of flowers I know how to make, maybe I can use it as an example for people to pick to put on scarves they want done, or something else, I dont know..what would you use them for??
These are some flat oyas I made last night aswel just out of boredom. I'll probably add to it and make an example of flowers I know how to make, maybe I can use it as an example for people to pick to put on scarves they want done, or something else, I dont know..what would you use them for??
Saturday, November 19, 2011
This post is likely to get some people angry...Sorry!
12:50 AM 14 Comments Armenian knotted lace, greek knotted lace, igne oyasi, oya lace, Oya lace is NOT armenian or greek lace, turkish knotted lace
Before I begin my rant I guess I should explain somethings to you so you don't misjudge me whilst reading this post. I am not racist, nor do I care what religion you are. I do not care if you are black, white, red, green or purple. I do not care if you are a christian, muslim, hindu, buddhist or jewish. I judge people based on how they treat me. I am not biased. Nor will I be accused of any of the above-mentioned things after you have read this post and are unhappy with what I've written.
Now, moving on to the interesting part of the rant.
I am sick to death of people messaging me and telling me that Oya is Armenian or *shock horror* "Greek." I am also sick to death of people messaging me about the Armenian genocide, or how Turks killed greeks and therefore because Turks had everything, "Oya" is owned by either Armenia or Greece. Please, save me your political bullshit. I am not Turkish, nor do I know anything about any genocide. I never started this blog to be inundated by people of Armenian and Greek heritage telling me "oh my grandmother did this in her village its not Oya its whatever."
Being that Oya is my craft of choice, I think I'd know a little bit about it. So I'm here to set some things straight and hopefully, just HOPEFULLY you people who want to claim something that you know nothing about, will leave me be and just read my blog for inspiration and not to throw around such ludicris claims.
Lets face it: Type in "greek lace" or "armenian lace" into google, and not much comes back. Most of its crochet anyway. However if we type in "Oya" then a whole database of pictures and information comes up. If Oya really was greek or armenian, why is it not as popular there as it is in Turkey? Why is it every time I see someone put up a picture of an Oya lace doily or whatever, its apparently "armenian" or "greek?" You'll notice that armenians and greeks don't make oya flowers or scarf edgings because OYA isnt THEIRS to know how to do that, and ontop of that, I didn't know christians wore scarves anyway?
I'd be pretty stupid to rant on like this without some sort of source to quote right? Ok lets begin. Moorad Alexanian says on an internet site that the oya knot was first used in Arabia and spread to Turkey and then Armenia and other countries, he then goes on to say: "But reminding Armenians of that is likely to get an angry response, said Kliot, because of ethnic tensions. ``One woman said to me, `You do not put `Turks' and `Armenians' in the same mouth!'' -Please...Armenians and Turks in the same mouth? Are you kidding me? So because of some ethnic tensions, that entitles you to claim something as your own? Good try, but no win. I'm lebanese, and we've had problems with Turkey in the past too, but that doesn't give me the right to say that oya is now miraculously lebanese just because I'm pissed off with a whole race of people, does it? I tend not to believe that the oya knot was even created IN arabia, due to this source of information: "It is natural that Turkish decorative arts before and after Islam have influenced many decorative traditions in many geographical regions especially where there was Turkish rule" (, Onuk 1988) Mind you this information comes from a PROFESSOR who has studied the history of Oya, so as if we're going to argue with her, right? Lets look at it from another perspective: Hummus is the arabic word for chickpeas, everyone knows that its a middle eastern dip. Greeks and Turks also call it hummus and claim it to be theirs, even though the NAME is ARABIC- so does this make it Middle Eastern, Greek or Turkish?
I had a "LOL" moment in my local library the other day. I was looking for a popular embroidery book when I came across a book called "mediterrainian knotted lace". I thought I'd have a look through it and see if it was Oya, since Turkey is in the mediterrainian. As soon as I read the preface, I laughed and put it over the Automotive section 4 rows away from where it was. This is what I read from the book: When asia minor fell to the Turks, Greek "refugees" took their craft to mainland greece and taught it wherever they settled" She also goes on to say "She believes therefore that greeks can and should claim ownership of knotted lace, being of greek ancestry (which she isn't by the way, her deceased husband was) I too would like to claim it as being greek." Now, type bebilla or dandella into google and you hardly find anything about OYA. This woman has obviously made herself out to be a woman of knowledge and therefore we should all believe the crap shes written. Does anyone else find what she's written stupid and without reference? I mean in her actual references shes lists ARMENIAN lace books? And the other funny thing is that she says that this lace has no names for the stitches, where as in Turkish every stitch has a name. What she calls bows are called Seytan Bacagi in Turkish. What she calls a raised stitch is called Tavsan Kullagi in Turkish. So basically shes written crap down and tried to make herself sound like a historian. Please. Greeks don't like Turks, thats why her mother in law told her its greek.
Now come on- Turkish people are well known for handcrafts, and yet other people need to argue over an inanimate object made by a needle and thread! Plus theres huge differences between the way turks make igne oyasi, and the way that armenians and possibly even greeks make it. Its fine to do something a different way, but that doesn't mean you get the right to claim it.
Now I would not be going on this rant if some uneducated people didnt message me telling me that its not oya its whatever. And yes, I put the tag "armenian lace" on my blogs because some people are misinformed and type that in to google. I know by writing this I have offended some people, but as I said before, I'm not racist and I'm not biased.
Now for a picture of a laughing horse to make everything better.
Now, moving on to the interesting part of the rant.
I am sick to death of people messaging me and telling me that Oya is Armenian or *shock horror* "Greek." I am also sick to death of people messaging me about the Armenian genocide, or how Turks killed greeks and therefore because Turks had everything, "Oya" is owned by either Armenia or Greece. Please, save me your political bullshit. I am not Turkish, nor do I know anything about any genocide. I never started this blog to be inundated by people of Armenian and Greek heritage telling me "oh my grandmother did this in her village its not Oya its whatever."
Being that Oya is my craft of choice, I think I'd know a little bit about it. So I'm here to set some things straight and hopefully, just HOPEFULLY you people who want to claim something that you know nothing about, will leave me be and just read my blog for inspiration and not to throw around such ludicris claims.
Lets face it: Type in "greek lace" or "armenian lace" into google, and not much comes back. Most of its crochet anyway. However if we type in "Oya" then a whole database of pictures and information comes up. If Oya really was greek or armenian, why is it not as popular there as it is in Turkey? Why is it every time I see someone put up a picture of an Oya lace doily or whatever, its apparently "armenian" or "greek?" You'll notice that armenians and greeks don't make oya flowers or scarf edgings because OYA isnt THEIRS to know how to do that, and ontop of that, I didn't know christians wore scarves anyway?
I'd be pretty stupid to rant on like this without some sort of source to quote right? Ok lets begin. Moorad Alexanian says on an internet site that the oya knot was first used in Arabia and spread to Turkey and then Armenia and other countries, he then goes on to say: "But reminding Armenians of that is likely to get an angry response, said Kliot, because of ethnic tensions. ``One woman said to me, `You do not put `Turks' and `Armenians' in the same mouth!'' -Please...Armenians and Turks in the same mouth? Are you kidding me? So because of some ethnic tensions, that entitles you to claim something as your own? Good try, but no win. I'm lebanese, and we've had problems with Turkey in the past too, but that doesn't give me the right to say that oya is now miraculously lebanese just because I'm pissed off with a whole race of people, does it? I tend not to believe that the oya knot was even created IN arabia, due to this source of information: "It is natural that Turkish decorative arts before and after Islam have influenced many decorative traditions in many geographical regions especially where there was Turkish rule" (, Onuk 1988) Mind you this information comes from a PROFESSOR who has studied the history of Oya, so as if we're going to argue with her, right? Lets look at it from another perspective: Hummus is the arabic word for chickpeas, everyone knows that its a middle eastern dip. Greeks and Turks also call it hummus and claim it to be theirs, even though the NAME is ARABIC- so does this make it Middle Eastern, Greek or Turkish?
I had a "LOL" moment in my local library the other day. I was looking for a popular embroidery book when I came across a book called "mediterrainian knotted lace". I thought I'd have a look through it and see if it was Oya, since Turkey is in the mediterrainian. As soon as I read the preface, I laughed and put it over the Automotive section 4 rows away from where it was. This is what I read from the book: When asia minor fell to the Turks, Greek "refugees" took their craft to mainland greece and taught it wherever they settled" She also goes on to say "She believes therefore that greeks can and should claim ownership of knotted lace, being of greek ancestry (which she isn't by the way, her deceased husband was) I too would like to claim it as being greek." Now, type bebilla or dandella into google and you hardly find anything about OYA. This woman has obviously made herself out to be a woman of knowledge and therefore we should all believe the crap shes written. Does anyone else find what she's written stupid and without reference? I mean in her actual references shes lists ARMENIAN lace books? And the other funny thing is that she says that this lace has no names for the stitches, where as in Turkish every stitch has a name. What she calls bows are called Seytan Bacagi in Turkish. What she calls a raised stitch is called Tavsan Kullagi in Turkish. So basically shes written crap down and tried to make herself sound like a historian. Please. Greeks don't like Turks, thats why her mother in law told her its greek.
Now come on- Turkish people are well known for handcrafts, and yet other people need to argue over an inanimate object made by a needle and thread! Plus theres huge differences between the way turks make igne oyasi, and the way that armenians and possibly even greeks make it. Its fine to do something a different way, but that doesn't mean you get the right to claim it.
Now I would not be going on this rant if some uneducated people didnt message me telling me that its not oya its whatever. And yes, I put the tag "armenian lace" on my blogs because some people are misinformed and type that in to google. I know by writing this I have offended some people, but as I said before, I'm not racist and I'm not biased.
Now for a picture of a laughing horse to make everything better.
Friday, November 18, 2011
I figured it out!!
10:39 PM 0 Comments bead oya, catal oyasi, crochet, crochet tukish lace, firkete oyasi, hairpin lace, hairpin oya, knotted lace, mekik modelleri, mekik oyasi, oya motifs, Tatting, yazma ornekleri, yelpaze oyasi
I'm actually really really REALLY proud of myself. I've been trying to figure out how to do this motif for about a year and a half after I found that my partners mother had left a half done one here when she went back to Turkey (which you can see in one of my earlier posts.) Its the "fan" motif, done with 2 colours a hair pin that I made myself and a size .7mm crochet hook. If you're wondering how I made a hair pin myself, I just used a metal coat hanger. I eventually realised why my previous attempts had failed and thats because I was doing it upside down *smacks forehead*
I was sort of mucking around this week with some tatting and bead crochet, but I'll probably continue with the bead crochet as its already nearly a metre long, and I have a yellow black white and green scarf that I can attach it to. The motif is called "ojeli parmak" and "parmak" means "finger" and the motif does kind of look like fingers with nail polish on them! Very easy to whip up, its a variation of the "goose eye" which is even simpler! The tatted edging is called "pirpirim" which is one of my favourite greens- pursulane, very easy to whip up aswel as theres no chains, making this edging simple and suited for a beginner.
I was sort of mucking around this week with some tatting and bead crochet, but I'll probably continue with the bead crochet as its already nearly a metre long, and I have a yellow black white and green scarf that I can attach it to. The motif is called "ojeli parmak" and "parmak" means "finger" and the motif does kind of look like fingers with nail polish on them! Very easy to whip up, its a variation of the "goose eye" which is even simpler! The tatted edging is called "pirpirim" which is one of my favourite greens- pursulane, very easy to whip up aswel as theres no chains, making this edging simple and suited for a beginner.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
1:30 AM 0 Comments armenian lace, crochet, doily, igne oyasi, Knitting, knotted lace, oya lace, tablecloth, turkish doily, turkish lace
Loyal followers and lurkers of my blog I wish to apologize for not blogging for a while, I've been extremely busy and grandmas been sick so I've been there and by the time I get home I'm too busy to do anything...Luckily for me I take my work with me!
So I've been lacing it up for the past couple of weeks, even though I was supposed to be making an oya scarf for my partners mother on the 22nd of this month (I still have time) but I'm waiting for my shipment of threads to come as I've picked the scarf but dont have the thread colours for it.
About my laceworks: I made the tablecloth and runner while I was at my grandmothers. I used Oren bayan thread. The 3 doilies are knitted and made by my grandmother from around 30 years ago (I found them while I was cleaning out all of her old clothes shoved at the back of a cupboard) and she gladly gave them to me. Theres 2 oya lace pieces down the bottom left hand corner, one is a motif doily that still needs 3 more motifs to be completed- its a mixture of crochet and Igne oyasi which is totally beautiful, and the other one is a WIP (work in progress) where I'm just playing around with some stitch ideas. Both are made with Nylon thread.

Its been really weird weather here in Melbourne the past week- I think thats why my neighbours have both gone mental.. That story is for another blog post lol.
I promise not to neglect any of you reading this blog again, but sometimes life throws things your way and you dont have time to take photos, sit down and write.
Cheers xx
So I've been lacing it up for the past couple of weeks, even though I was supposed to be making an oya scarf for my partners mother on the 22nd of this month (I still have time) but I'm waiting for my shipment of threads to come as I've picked the scarf but dont have the thread colours for it.
About my laceworks: I made the tablecloth and runner while I was at my grandmothers. I used Oren bayan thread. The 3 doilies are knitted and made by my grandmother from around 30 years ago (I found them while I was cleaning out all of her old clothes shoved at the back of a cupboard) and she gladly gave them to me. Theres 2 oya lace pieces down the bottom left hand corner, one is a motif doily that still needs 3 more motifs to be completed- its a mixture of crochet and Igne oyasi which is totally beautiful, and the other one is a WIP (work in progress) where I'm just playing around with some stitch ideas. Both are made with Nylon thread.
Its been really weird weather here in Melbourne the past week- I think thats why my neighbours have both gone mental.. That story is for another blog post lol.
I promise not to neglect any of you reading this blog again, but sometimes life throws things your way and you dont have time to take photos, sit down and write.
Cheers xx
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