Turkan Soray- 3 years ago I had no idea who she is, until I watched the movie "Sevgi Boylum Al Yazmalim" with my partner (which is his all time favourite movie ever) when I fell in love with her. So when I was trawling my local library, I found a book on making sock dolls, and I thought "why not make a Turkan Soray doll and surprise my partner with her when he comes home from university" So I sat down and made my 1st sock doll! I used one sock, stuffing and different coloured quilt fabric squares. I did a simple oya on the red scarf. She looks a bit angry, and her nose looks a bit joan rivers but hey, it was my first time, and I think Turkan looks spectacular.

I love Turkish dramas - I watch them dubbed into Arabic though as I dont know any Turkish!
My Turkish is limited, but I watched the dubbed Arabic versions of the popular series too! The movie I referred to in this blog however isn't dubbed into Arabic though :(
What's your favorite Turkish series?
Mine are:
دقات قلب
دموع الورد
It's good that they're dubbed in Syrian because I can still understand what's going on- I'm Lebanese but I understand Egyptian and Syrian accents, but I have like no chance with khaliji dialect lol I tried to watch a khaliji mousalsal once, I understood like 4 words...I take it that you have the opposite problem though, living in Saudi Arabia?
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